

Believe in love; believe in magic; believe in science, believe in you, believe in a higher power, believe in something.


Life without belief is somewhat dismal.  It is hard to be the center of the universe and in control of absolutely everything.  It is hard to be the most important thing in my world, irrespective of other people and pursuits.

So, what do I do?  I believe.  Even if sometimes I hold fast to the belied that tomorrow can’t possibly we worse than today.  Believing gets me through.

I don’t know how people get through the day with kids without belief.  The science out there on brain development and parenting strategies can be shoddy as best.  There are a lot of strong opinions without a lot of fact.  Anecdotal evidence is not really evidence.  I have to believe that what I do today, while I may not see the results immediately, is best in the long run.

Work can be the same.  When there isn’t something clean and neat and done sitting on my desk at the end of the day I have to believe that my time went to something that will blossom in the future.

I like believe.  I need to believe.  Some days I forget.

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